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To get connected with Our Editor in Chief Anshul Sharma, you can send mail on this email address. About: A Passionate Blogger by Heart, Loves the latest Tech Gadgets, Editor-in-Chief of


MyGadgetReviewer Staff Members – MyGadgetReview Team includes 5 Tech enthusiasts who are working full time here. All our Staff Members are experienced and Tech Lovers.

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Our Website Visitors are on No.1 Priority, so your overall feedback and suggestions play the most important role to improve this site. The Blog aims to provide all the latest tech gadgets new, reviews and How to’s tutorials to its viewers. The Blog was started in April 2017 and gets almost 1.5 lakhs visitors a month. Brands can send us Review Units at our office address. If you want to join MyGadgetReviewer then contact us via mail and we will look forward to your interest in the Blogging industry. The Blog runs by Anshul Sharma (Editor in Chief) and 5 Content Editors. And f you intend to use the content for other purposes, contact us.

If you have any Questions regarding any Smartphone, please ask them in Comments section, Don’t Email your Questions regarding Root / Unroot / Launch Dates of a Particular Device.