Move WhatsApp group to Signal: WhatsApp has recently changed its privacy policy due to which many users are planning to move to other apps. Recent policy changes suggest that WhatsApp collects data from the user and will forward it to its parent company, Facebook. Many users are now feeling too insecure to use WhatsApp and are afraid to Agree on this new policy change. But if they do not agree to it, they will not be able to use WhatsApp. Now there is no option left except to agree to the policy update. Users who are moving to another application are unhappy because they will lose their WhatsApp data on that new application.
Many users are planning to move to the Signal app. The signal app is one of the most popular messaging apps, it is very safe as compared to WhatsApp. Also, it provides almost all the features which are available on WhatsApp. If you also want to shift to the signal app but worry about losing your WhatsApp data then this post can be helpful for you. In this post, we will tell you How to Move WhatsApp Group to Signal. Most users Create Groups to chat and discuss with more than one person at the same time. Many users discuss important information in these groups. So it is important for them to keep those chats. The Signals app enables WhatsApp users to transfer their group chats to it, let’s see how to do it.
How to move WhatsApp group to Signal
- First of all, download & install the Signal app on your Android or iOS device.
- Once the installation is completed, Log in the app by adding your phone number > confirm using OTP > Enter your name and other details.
- Now, Go to the action menu by tapping on the three vertical dots icon on the top right corner.
- In Menu, Tap on the New Group option.
- Then, you have to add a contact to set up a group.
- Now, select the person from your contact list and tap on the arrow icon to continue.
- Enter the New Group Name and tap on ‘Create’.
- Go to Group options by tapping on the three-dot vertical icon.
- Tap on the Group Settings > Group link > Share option.
- Now, Copy the Group Share link and share it with WhatsApp contacts present in your group.
However, your older group chats on the WhatsApp will not transfer to Signal. That’s All, In this post of How to move WhatsApp group to Signal App. The method included in this post has been tested by our team and 100% safe. We are coming up with more Signal App tips and tricks like this, till then stay connected.